Dark-Olive Oleatex Lace-Up Ballerinas
Your payment will not be captured until this item is shipped to you.
Dark Olive
Pre-ordering allows you to place an order for products that are not yet in stock or available for purchase. By pre-ordering, you can secure your purchase and be among the first to receive the item once it becomes available. Please note that pre-ordering does not mean the item will be shipped immediately. We advise you to check the estimated shipping dates provided on the product page or contact our customer service team here for further information. Please find general information about pre-order below:
- A pre-order item cannot be purchased together with an item in stock.
- Your payment will be captured on the day the item is shipped.
- It’s not possible to buy pre-order items in stores.
- You will receive a confirmation email when the order is shipped from the warehouse, and the payment will be captured.
- You will receive an email if your pre-order products are delayed.
- A pre-order can only be purchased with a credit card and/or gift card.
- Cancellation: You can cancel your pre-order by contacting our customer service team here.
- Return: Once you have received your pre-order, you can return the items just like a normal order. Read more about returns here.
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- hours
- minutes